‘The Victorian Age’ is Here!

The Victorian Age, my Torchwood script for Big Finish, has been made sparkly by brilliant producer James Goss, director Scott Handcock, composer Blair Mowat and more and is OUT NOW!

It’s received brilliant reviews already:

‘AK Benedict’s script provided one of the most life-affirming audios I’ve heard in a long while. The humour and repartee are some of the best in recent times. . .10/10’ – Sci-Fi Bulletin

‘One of the best character pieces that Big Finish has ever produced… AK Benedict has the potential to be one of the most talented and well renowned writers in Big Finish’s arsenal. 9.5/10.’   Gallifrey Archive

‘AK Benedict’s script is an absolute belter and the chemistry between Captain Jack and Queen Victoria is brilliant – full of spark and sass!. . . 10/10.’ Blogtor Who

‘A K Benedict’s script is a terrific character piece which hones in on the feelings of a Queen at the end of her reign. . .Based on the strength of this debut, we hope it is the start of a long relationship between A K Benedict and Big Finish‘  CultBox 

‘It is very different from both expectations and others in the series  so far. That’s a good thing and producer James Goss is to be praised for the breadth this series has encompassed so far, and Scott Handcock admired for his direction. There’s even a wonderful new mix theme tune by Blair Mowat. . . All in all highly enjoyable and I have just two wishes – announce a second Queen Victoria story, and have writer AK Benedict write more Big Finish!‘ Red Rocket Rising

Due respect should also be given to A K Benedict’s script, which duly emphasizes character over bombast – always the mark of a proper writer. . . fans of Torchwood can’t go wrong with this one.’  Third Eye Cinema 

‘Rowena Cooper makes the Queen testy, feisty, regal and with a heart as big as London – but a Queen you would never dare cross (and without a doubt NOT amused). . . thanks so much to Scott Handcock for directing her this way and to A K Benedict for writing those wonderful lines. . . It excels in all categories. 9/10.’ Planet Mondas



